For mainnet, it's recommended to use Cosmovisor to run your node.
Setting up Cosmovisor is relatively straightforward. However, it does expect certain environment variables and folder structure to be set.
Cosmovisor allows you to download binaries ahead of time for chain upgrades, meaning that you can do zero (or close to zero) downtime chain upgrades. It's also useful if your local timezone means that a chain upgrade will fall at a bad time.
Rather than having to do stressful ops tasks late at night, it's always better if you can automate them away, and that's what Cosmovisor tries to do.
First, go and get cosmovisor (recommended approach):
# to target a specific
!! When using cosmovisor, make sure that you do not have auto download of binaries on.
Add environment variables to your shell
Some environment variables must be set to appropriate values for each node and each network.
echo"export CHAIN_REPO=">>~/.bash_profileecho"export CHAIN_REPO_BRANCHE=main">>~/.bash_profileecho"export TARGET=ununifid">>~/.bash_profileecho"export TARGET_HOME=.ununifi">>~/.bash_profile# This value will be different for each node.echo"export MONIKER=<your-moniker>">>~/.bash_profileecho"export CHAIN_ID=ununifi-beta-v1">>~/.bash_profile# This value is example of mainnet.echo"export GENESIS_FILE_URL=">>~/.bash_profileecho"export SETUP_NODE_CONFIG_ENV=TRUE">>~/.bash_profileecho"export SETUP_NODE_ENV=TRUE">>~/.bash_profileecho"export SETUP_NODE_MASTER=TRUE">>~/.bash_profileecho"export DAEMON_NAME=\$TARGET">>~/.bash_profile# This value will be different for each node.echo"export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.ununifi">>~/.bash_profileecho"export DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=false">>~/.bash_profileecho"export DAEMON_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE=512">>~/.bash_profileecho"export DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE=true">>~/.bash_profileecho"export UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=true">>~/.bash_profile
Then source your profile to have access to these variables:
Commands sent to Cosmovisor are sent to the underlying binary. For example, cosmovisor version is the same as typing ununifid version. Nevertheless, just as we would manage ununifid using a process manager, we would like to make sure Cosmovisor is automatically restarted if something happens, for example an error or reboot. First, create the service file:
Change the contents of the below to match your setup